Building a Blameless Post-Mortem Culture with Jason Hand

About Show #486

How do you build a blameless post-mortem culture? And should you? Richard chats with Jason Hand from VictorOps about the blameless culture, which is a methodology embraced by the safest and most reliable organizations - think aircraft safety. Having everyone involved in an incident able to discuss everything they did and saw helps to get a clear picture of the truth. Without that information, it's very hard to make real improvements in our organizations. Jason talks about ChatOps as a strategy to get there, using tools like Slack to let people see the conversations going on and capture the critical information during an incident to address problems.


Jason Hand is a DevOps Evangelist at VictorOps, co-organizer of DevOpsDays - Rockies, author of "ChatOps for Dummies", and host of a number of DevOps related meetups in the Denver/Boulder/San Francisco areas. Jason has spent the last 15 months presenting and giving workshops on a number of DevOps topics, such as blameless post-mortems, ChatOps, alerting, and the value of context within incident management.

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