Peter Schmidt Federates Exchange 2010!

About Show #199

Richard flies solo to talk to Peter Schmidt about federation in Exchange 2010. While federation has been around for awhile in Exchange, the 2010 version gets away from connection Active Directory together and into a web services model that allows simple, limited visibility for other Exchange 2010 users into your calendar and contacts. If you've ever wanted to give a third party the ability to see when you're available without emailing you, you need federation! Check out Exchange 2010 Federation at TechNet.


Peter works as an Infrastructure Architect and consultant at Globestream A/S in Denmark. His job is to engage people and companies in evaluating and adopting new technologies and help them plan, design and implement these technologies.

Peter has more than 15 years of experience as an infrastructure architect and consultant, working with Exchange since version 5.0 and the last couple of years has been spent working more with cloud computing technologies, such as Office 365.

His main expertise areas is Microsoft Exchange Server and Office 365, extended with deep knowledge of ADFS, AD, PKI and Lync.

Peter is very active in the community and is the founder of the only Danish Unified Communication User Group: Peter has been rewarded as a Microsoft MVP since July 2007.

Peter has been speaking regularly at Technology Conferences and User Groups throughout his career. He maintains a personal technology blog at: and tweets at


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