Show 200!

About Show #200

Hey, it's the 200th show! Richard and Greg invite Kim Tripp and Paul Randal to share a celebration of the past 200 shows. This may not be the most technical show we've ever done, but hey, you only do 200 shows once! Topics range over SQL Server training, water cooled PCs, bursting aquariums and some of the history of RunAs Radio. The show ends with an oddly serious discussion on performance tuning. Thanks for listening!


Paul Randal is the CEO of, which he runs with his wife Kimberly L. Tripp. Both Paul and Kimberly are very widely known and respected experts in the SQL Server world, with both being SQL Server MVPs, and Microsoft Regional Directors. Paul is a Contributing Editor for TechNet Magazine, where he writes the bi-monthly SQL Q&A column and feature articles.

Kimberly Tripp is a SQL Server MVP and a Microsoft Regional Director, and has worked with SQL Server since 1990. Kimberly worked for Microsoft – on the SQL Server team – and left in 1995 to start SQLskills where she writes, consults, speaks, and teaches classes on SQL Server. Her primary focus is architecture, design, and performance tuning with her primary goal of helping customers design the RIGHT solutions to their problems.

Richard Campbell has spent more than 40 years playing around with microcomputers. Along the way he's done virtually every job you can imagine in the industry, from manufacturing to programming to consulting, training and writing. Today Richard is a Microsoft Regional Director, an ASP.NET MVP and co-host of .NET Rocks!, the Internet Audio Talkshow for .NET Developers ( as well as host of RunAs Radio (, the podcast for Microsoft IT Professionals. You can reach Richard at

Greg is a security and technology executive with proven experience in technical and business management, focused in the financial services and Internet commerce areas. He has led organizations and teams of software development professionals, product managers, risk management and security operations staff, enterprise information technology support and data-center teams. His primary interest is finding creative ways to solve complex business problems in the forensics, compliance, security and information technology fields.

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