Ed Horley Deploys IPv6!

About Show #205

Richard flies solo to talk to Ed Horley about getting IPv6 deployed. In February 2011, IANA exhausted all the reserve IPv4 addresses, allocating them out to the five regional internet registries. APNIC, the registry for the Asia-Pacific area, is expected to run out of IPv4 first. So 2011 is going to be a big year for IPv6, especially for content providers. If your responsible for your company putting content on the internet, you need to get thinking about IPv6. Check out http://isoc.org/wp/worldipv6day/ for World IPv6 Day on June 8, 2011, when all the major web sites of the world will be testing out their sites in IPv6 mode. Will you be ready?


Ed Horley is the Co-founder of HexaBuild, focused on advancing cloud, IoT and security with IPv6. He is the author of Practical IPv6 for Windows Administrators from Apress and is a Pluralsight author. Ed is the current Co-Chair of the California IPv6 Task Force, on the Technical Advisory Board for Infoblox in their IPv6 Center of Excellence and speaks internationally on IPv6 at various conferences. He maintains a blog at https://www.howfunky.com/ where he covers technical topics of interest to him and is on twitter @ehorley.

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