Cameron Fuller Monitors with Operations Manager

About Show #223

Richard and Greg talk to Cameron Fuller about System Center Operations Manager. Operations Manager is the instrumentation part of System Center - centralizing the status of all your servers into one console. The conversation moves into the concept of server and application health... looking beyond ping times and into knowing how healthy your application is. Cameron also helps us understand how Operations Manager interacts with other System Center products including Configuration Manager, Service Manager and Orchestrator. Check out for more info on System Center.


Cameron Fuller, System Center MVP for Cloud and Datacenter Management, is a principal consultant for Catapult Systems and serves as their Corporate Practice Lead for System Center. He has 20 years of infrastructure experience, focused on management solutions. Cameron coauthored a number of System Center books, routinely contributes technical articles to popular Windows magazines, and maintains a highly technical blog. Additionally, you can find Cameron as a speaker at conferences like System Center Universe and the Midwest Management Summit!

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