Robert Bogue Discusses the Nine Keys to SharePoint Success

About Show #268

Richard talks to Robert Bogue about his Nine Keys to SharePoint Success. The conversation starts off with an acknowledgement that a SharePoint implementation, like any business-related project, needs a shared vision that creates value for a business for there to be any chance of success. After all, if you don't define success, how can you know when you've achieved it? From there, Robert discusses the impact of culture change on SharePoint implementations, honestly evaluating how the project is going, the relationship that IT has with the business and how platitudes can keep us from digging deep into problems. Finally, there are some simple things, like the right defaults, that can help make a SharePoint solution successful.


Robert Bogue is a nine year veteran of the Microsoft MVP program and is currently awarded for SharePoint. He writes, speaks, and creates products from many different directions: developer, IT Pro, business leader, end user, etc. He is the author of the acclaimed "The SharePoint Shepherd's Guide for End Users" and a series of DVDs. Rob's a professionally trained comedian, private pilot, dog lover, husband, and father. He lives in Indianapolis, IN.

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