Memory Management with Clint Huffman

About Show #338

Richard chats with Clint Huffman about memory management in Windows. But first a quick conversation about the state of affairs these days, including Clint's work on the Windows Performance Field Guide, due to be published in early 2014. Clint runs down the various elements that matter about memory, the effects of running 32 bit apps in a 64 bit OS and more. And along the way, he mentions lots of great resources, including the PFE Performance Guide, the Windows Performance Toolkit and a knowledge base article on How to Use Poolmon. Check 'em out!


Originally from Dayton, OH. Clint has been with Microsoft since 1999 and is currently working as a senior software engineer on the Surface product team. He is a published author on Windows performance analysis and is probably best known as the creator of the PAL tool.

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