ADFS and oAuth2 with John Craddock

About Show #371

While at Tech Ed 2014, Richard chat with John Craddock about the latest incarnation of Active Directory Federation Services - don't call it version three, it's the Windows Server 2012 R2 version! John discusses some of the new features of ADFS, including it's integration with oAuth2 to allow a more lightweight approach to authentication, authorization and federation. Lots of great thinking from one of the best minds in identity!


John Craddock has designed and implemented computing systems ranging from high-speed industrial controllers through to distributed IT systems with a focus on Identity, security and high-availability. A key player in many IT projects for industry leaders including Microsoft, the UK Government and multi-nationals that require optimized IT systems. Developed technical training courses that have been published worldwide, co-authored a highly successful book on Microsoft Active Directory Internals, presents regularly at major international conferences including, TechEd, IT Forum and European summits. John can be engaged as a consultant or booked for speaking engagements through XTSeminars.

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