Running a Private Cloud with Alan Sugano

About Show #391

Richard talks to Alan Sugano about his experience building out a private cloud for his customers. The conversation starts out focused on why you would want to build a private cloud, especially for someone else to use - Alan talks about his customers not wanting to go to the public cloud, but also not wanting to upgrade their own hardware. Once committed, Alan got to do the fun part (for a hardware geek) of building a private cloud - finding a great data center provider. From there he implemented VMWare's vCloud Director with some expensive hardware and difficult 10Gb networking to get up and running. From there things getting really challenging - what does it take to run a cloud properly? It's more complex than you think!


Alan is the President of ADS Consulting Group, Inc. (ADS). Founded in 1991, ADS specializes in Networking, Server Virtualization, Desktop Virtualization, Application Virtualization, Security, Exchange, Custom Programming, Web Development, SharePoint and SQL Server Development. Alan has given talks on Virtualization, Network Audits/Security, Troubleshooting, Server Selection, Network Documentation, Network Management, Network Design and Topologies, SQL Databases, and Disaster Recovery. He speaks twice a year at the IT/DEV Connections Conferences sponsored by Windows IT Pro Magazine and teaches Audit and Security Classes for the MIS Training Institute. Alan is a Contributing Editor for Windows IT Pro. He wrote a book titled the Real-World Network Troubleshooting Manual, which is a practical guide to network troubleshooting. Alan has been a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Connected System Developer from 2004 to 2008. Alan Sugano attended California State University, Northridge (CSUN) and graduated with a double major in Management Information Systems (MIS) and Management Systems Analysis (MSA). After graduation, he worked at Coopers and Lybrand (now Price Waterhouse Coopers) for several years in their Microcomputer Advisory Services Group (MAS) as a consultant.

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