Hyperconverged Storage using Windows Server 2016 with Ned Pyle

About Show #475

Hyperconverged storage is coming to Windows Server 2016! Richard chats with Ned Pyle about his work building parts of the Storage Services in Server 2016, including Storage Replica. The term "hyperconvergence" is a bit abused, but Ned talks about how software-defined compute, networking and storage have come together to allow the scaling and reconfiguration of server resources easier, more dynamic and maintainable. The latest incarnation of Storage Services takes using bunches of storage devices (hard drives, SSDs, NVME and so on) and making them allocate out based on your needs for performance, reliability and scalability. There's a ton to talk about, so this is a long show - and worth it!


Ned Pyle (@nerdpyle) is an 15 year Microsoft veteran and a Principal Program Manager in the Microsoft Windows Server Cloud and Enterprise engineering group, managing replication and remote file protocols like Storage Replica, SMB, DFSR, and Scale-out File Server. He edits the Server Storage blog (https://aka.ms/serverstorage). His previous role was a Technical Lead within Microsoft escalation support, where he supported Active Directory and was the founder of the infamous AskDS blog. Prior to Microsoft, he spent eight years in IT consulting and before that was a US Marine infantryman. He lives in Seattle, Washington with his wife and all the dogs.

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