Azure Stack with Jeffrey Snover

About Show #493

Have you heard about Azure Stack? While at Ignite in Atlanta, Richard sat down with Jeffrey Snover to discuss the Azure Stack announcements. Azure Stack is all about bringing Azure architecture to your data center, or the data center of your preferred service provider. The concept is more about architecture than implementation, although as Jeffrey explains, you won't be running Azure Stack on your existing hardware. The hardware and configuration requirements for Azure Stack are very specific, look at this as more of a partnership with Microsoft doing a fair bit to maintain your new Azure Stack infrastructure - perhaps even more than you do! This is a new kind of on-premises solution and bears careful study!


Jeffrey Snover is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and an Architect for Office 365 Intelligent Substrate. Prior to that he was the Chief Architect for the Azure Storage/Edge Group and Windows Server. Snover is the inventor of PowerShell, an open source, cross-platform object-based distributed automation engine, scripting language, and command line shell. Snover joined Microsoft in 1999 as architect for the Management and Services Division, providing technical direction across Microsoft's management technologies and products. Snover has nearly 40 years of industry experience with a focus on management technologies and solutions. He was an architect in the office of the CTO at Tivoli and a development manager at NetView. He has worked also as a consulting engineer and development manager at DEC, where he led various network and systems management projects. Snover is a frequent speaker at industry and research conferences on a variety of topics including: cloud, digital transformation, AI & ethics, management, and PowerShell.

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