ReverseDSC with Nik Charlebois

About Show #566

Desired State Configuration now works boths ways! Richard talks to fellow Canadian Nik Charlebois, a Microsoft Premier Field Engineer, about his work building ReverseDSC. The open source tool is available in the PowerShell Gallery and opens the door to a ton of interesting possibilities. Nik talks about how his work as a PFE is made much easier when he can use ReverseDSC to create a copy of the configuration of a system he is trying to troubleshoot so that he can explore and experiment with no risk. But there's so much more that ReverseDSC can do, especially when you start thinking about continuously deployed infrastructure - creation, deployment, testing and debugging of infrastructure all facilitated by ReverseDSC!


Nik Charlebois is a Microsoft Premier Field Engineer based in Gatineau, Quebec who specializes in SharePoint Development. He is an ex-PowerShell MVP and is the author the books “Beginning PowerShell for SharePoint 2013”, “Beginning PowerShell for SharePoint 2016”, and “Expert Office 365”. Nik joined the ranks of Microsoft in December of 2015, after spending over 13 years working as a Public Servant within several departments for the Government of Canada. He is the creator and owner of the ReverseDSC project at Microsoft, and a regular speaker at various SharePoint conferences. In the true Canuck spirit, Nik is a passionate hockey player and is also the head coach for his son’s local hockey team. As a French Canadian guy, he still struggles on a daily basis with properly pronouncing his ‘H’s in English.

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