PowerBI and AI with Jen Stirrup

About Show #628

Is Artificial Intelligence part of your data analytics strategy? Richard chats with Jen Stirrup about how data analytics and business intelligence continue to evolve to include different elements of artificial intelligence. Natural language interfaces are one aspect, but machine learning can play an even larger role - if you continue to do your diligence! Jen talks about needing quality data to feed to machine learning algorithms and the challenges of dealing with data bias and confirmation bias. We've had these battles all along in analytics, but the new AI tools can amplify your mistakes - there are no shortcuts to good data!


Jen Stirrup is an industry analyst and speaker, an author, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, a data strategist and practitioner in Business Intelligence, Big Data and Data Visualisation. With nearly 20 years’ experience, Jen works for global clients to deliver strategic advice and implementation in data technologies, focusing on R, Machine Learning, database technologies, and Big Data solutions. As well as speaking at conferences such as Hadoop Summit, TechEd, Ignite, SQLPass Summit and SQLBits, and running a yearly Business Analytics conference in London. Jen blogs atjenstirrup.com and her R, ML and Business Intelligence webinars can be found at datascience.sqlpass.org and bi.sqlpass.org

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