Windows Admin Center with Haley Rowland

About Show #646

Ready for a new Windows administration console? Richard chats with Haley Rowland about Windows Admin Center, a browser-based administration tool that puts a graphical console over top of PowerShell commands to your on-premises servers and workstations - and your Azure-based resources as well! Haley talks about making hybrid cloud easier, using Windows Admin Center to provide coherent connections between on-premises servers and their Azure-based backup solutions. Doing the same task in Windows Admin Center repeatedly? You can grab a copy of the PowerShell script it uses and automate!


Haley Rowland is a Program Manager on the Server Management Experience team at Microsoft where she brings her passion for creating delightful and intuitive user interfaces to her work on Windows Admin Center. In particular, she focuses on empowering users to leverage cloud services to modernize their on-premises server environments.

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