MLOps with Damian Brady

About Show #667

You know about DevOps - but what about MLOps? While at Ignite in Orlando, Richard talked to Damian Brady about how Machine Learning projects need to go through the same kind of lifecycle as any other software project. Damian emphasizes how important good instrumentation is for MLOps - because it can be hard to tell how well a given machine learning model is working. And good instrumentation often involves development, so get with your devs and talk through how you're going to measure success!


Damian is a Cloud Advocate specializing in DevOps and MLOps, based in Australia. Formerly a dev at Octopus Deploy and a Microsoft MVP, he has a background in software development and consulting in a broad range of industries. He regularly speaks at conferences, User Groups, and other events around the world but most of the time you'll find him talking to developers and IT Pros to help them get the most out of their DevOps strategies. Damian has his own Channel 9 show - The DevOps Lab. Check it out for real-world guidance on implementing DevOps in your organization!

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