Azure Data Share with Joanna Podgoetsky

About Show #668

How do you share company data outside of the company? While at Ignite in Orlando, Richard talked to Joanna Podgoetsky about Azure Data Share, a new tool specifically designed to make it easy to share data outside your organization in a controlled and measurable way. Joanna talks about the various Azure data sources you can use to share data, and how to provide access to it for individuals and applications as well as being able to measure who has accessed the data.


Joanna Podgoetsky is a product manager for Microsoft's turnkey data sharing solution. Azure Data Share enables organizations to enrich their data by providing flexible, simple and highly safe data sharing with third-party organizations. Joanna is a technologist at heart and has spent her career working in a variety of roles including consulting, engineering and program/product management in the Data and AI space. She is passionate about the potential that Artificial Intelligence has in enriching our lives, and the key to success in this space is having access to the right data.

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