DBA DevOps using Query Store with Erin Stellato

About Show #751

How can Query Store help you participate in the DevOps cycle? Richard chats with Erin Stellato about the power of SQL Query Store - born out of Azure SQL, Query Store keeps a record of every unique query that is run, along with its query plan and stats. How does this help with DevOps? By providing data for DBAs to talk to developers about how to make improvements to applications that will have a real impact on customer value in the long run!



Erin is a Principal Consultant with SQLskills and a Data Platform MVP. In addition to helping customers, she’s one of the instructors for the SQLskills Immersion Events, with a focus on teaching new DBAs the essentials in IE0, and talking about tuning and troubleshooting in IEPTO2. Erin is an active member of the SQL Server community both as a speaker and volunteer, and lives outside Cleveland, OH with her family.

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