PowerShell for DevOps with Rick Taylor

About Show #753

What role does PowerShell play in DevOps? Richard talks to Rick Taylor about his experiences building deployment pipelines for development and operations using a variety of tools, including PowerShell. Rick talks about how each tool, including PowerShell, can be the easiest solution to a given task. The conversation also turns to cross-platform deployments, where the implementations of tooling vary from platform-to-platform. PowerShell can help there too, but you do have to learn the platform you're working from! In the end, even PowerShell is just a tool, and DevOps is more about culture and process - and the conversation goes there too!





Rick is a Senior Cloud Infrastructure Engineer for Carvana. Rick worked for Microsoft in the Business Productivity Online Services division as a member of the SharePoint Platform Architecture Team and was a Senior Consultant on the OpsCon Team. He is based in the Phoenix area.

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