Responding to a Ransomware Attack with Dana Epp

About Show #790

How do you respond to a ransomware attack? Richard talks to Dana Epp about dealing with a ransomware attack. Dana discusses making a plan - if you don't have a plan already, dealing with an attack is very difficult. And make sure your plan exists outside of your regular network since one of the first things you're going to do during an attack is shut down the network. The conversation focuses on how ransomware attacks are a crime and need to be treated accordingly - it's a business problem, not just a technical problem.



Recorded July 19, 2021


Dana Epp has spent decades as a security architect that focuses on helping secure software, data and infrastructure. You might say he's been on and led Blue and Red Teams well before it was even a thing. When he's not helping to build and grow software companies focused on developing security tools he’s advising others on how to build and break their own applications and environments. As both a Microsoft Regional Director and a Microsoft Security MVP for 16 years, these days he spends a great deal of time on security (de)engineering in the cloud, especially in Microsoft Azure.

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