Email Transport Security with Gareth Gudger

About Show #818

How do you secure your email transport? Richard talks to Gareth Gudger about the various additional protocols and approaches essential to transporting email. Gareth reminds us that SMTP, like the Internet, was not designed with security in mind, so we have to add layers to try and improve things. It is an acronym soup of SPF, DKIM, DMARC, MTA-STS, and DANE - but every acronym gets a definition! Sure, there is more to email security than just transport, but arguably, this is the place to start. And after that - focus on identity security!


Recorded February 15, 2022


Gareth is a Microsoft MVP specializing in Exchange and Office 365. Gareth started his career in 1999 working on Windows NT 4.0 and Exchange 5.5. For most of his career he has held a consulting role, primarily delivering Microsoft technologies to businesses. He holds several Microsoft certifications including an MCSE in Messaging and MCSA in Office 365. Gareth blogs at A site focusing on Exchange, Office 365 and adjacent technologies.

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