New Viva Modules with Sandy Ussia

About Show #841

Viva continues to evolve - what's the latest? Richard talks to Sandy Ussia about her work with the various Viva modules and approaches to customizing Teams. Sandy talks about how it's possible to shape a Teams experience to fit your organization, including using third-party components - there are many choices! When your Teams is in good shape, there are plenty of new Viva modules to explore, including Topics, a knowledge management system using machine learning to extract critical aspects of your organization. And related to that machine learning module are upcoming Sales and Goals! The Viva family keeps growing!


Recorded July 15, 2022


Sandy Ussia is a technical evangelist at Lightning Tools, a SharePoint ISV based in the UK. Sandy is a co-founder of NLightning, a Power Platform and M365 coaching company. She is a SharePoint and Office 365 enthusiast and speaker, a paused digital nomad and a Microsoft MVP for Microsoft Business Applications.

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