SharePoint Online Features On-Prem with Sandy Ussia

About Show #899

Your SharePoint is on-premises (at least for now), but you want to take advantage of some of those cool SharePoint Online features - is there a way? Richard talks with Sandy Ussia about her talk at the Thrive Conference in Slovenia about how on-premises SharePoint can use Power Automate and other tools to create powerful workflows. Sandy discusses the limits of the free version of Power Automate and how paying for the premium edition lets you build workflows that will more than cover the license cost. The conversation also dives into the subscription model of on-premises SharePoint 2019, which looks to be the final destination for on-premises SharePoint, with ongoing support and features being added!


Recorded August 1, 2023


Sandy Ussia is a technical evangelist at Lightning Tools, a SharePoint ISV based in the UK. Sandy is a co-founder of NLightning, helping to empower people to use Microsoft 365 technologies effectively. She is a speaker on Microsoft 365 topics, especially Power Platform and SharePoint basics. Sandy loves helping people get started with the technology, and there are always new starters! In her spare time, she volunteers with local environmental organizations in her current home in Southwest Florida.

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