Copilot in your Intranet with Susan Hanley

About Show #936

How can Microsoft Copilot make your intranet better? Richard chats with Susan Hanley about her experiences adding Copilot into the intranet via the Copilot Studio and Viva Engage. Susan talks about the challenges of getting your intranet data in order - most notably, archiving old information so that it doesn't clutter up a Copilot with out-of-date and inaccurate data. The conversation explores making smaller Copilots focused on specific domains, like company policy. It's still the early days for copilots, so there are some challenges to getting things done right, but the potential is there!


Recorded May 10, 2024


Susan Hanley is an information architect and business analyst specializing in intranets and collaboration solutions. She is a recognized expert in the field of intranets, knowledge management, collaboration, and information architecture and has helped organizations of all sizes to optimize their use of the Microsoft 365 platform. Susan's expertise has earned her the coveted Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for M365 Apps and Services, which recognizes exceptional contributions to the Microsoft community. She is a frequent speaker at conferences and events, where she shares her insights and best practices on how organizations can build and manage intranets and knowledge management solutions. Follow Sue on X @susanhanley or the Essential SharePoint blog for

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