NGINX as a Service with Buu Lam

About Show #939

More application platform pieces make your life better! While at Build in Seattle, Richard sat down with Buu Lam of F5 to discuss F5's latest offering, NGINX as a Service in Azure. Buu discussed how F5's products have evolved to run in the cloud, not just on their hardware. While you could run them as virtual machines or containers, providing them as services in Azure is better. You purchase the service in the marketplace and as part of your Azure billing. The conversation digs into the advantages of the services model in terms of updating and instrumentation, as well as reducing the complexity of your infrastructure as code.


Recorded May 21, 2024


Buu Lam is a Community Evangelist on F5's DevCentral team. With nearly 20 years in the IT industry, Buu has moved through Systems Analyst, Network Engineering, Technical Consultant, Sales Engineering and Marketing roles. Over the years, Buu has developed a passion for educating others which he gets to do every day. He can be found live streaming to YouTube, producing tech videos, writing articles or just generally hanging out with F5 customers on, Twitter and anywhere else he can be found online.

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