OpenAI for PowerShell with Doug Finke

About Show #953

How can OpenAI help you with PowerShell? Richard talks to Doug Finke about his experiences with ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot to help him write PowerShell and how he incorporated the OpenAI API into a PowerShell library to create a conversational interface in his PowerShell scripts! Doug talks about his productivity gains using OpenAI to write better quality PowerShell faster - helping him understand the code, automate test writing, and explore aspects of PowerShell he had never dug into. But beyond writing code for him, adding the conversational interface to a PowerShell script opens a whole new interactive opportunity to make it easier for folks to use scripts and do more with them!


Recorded August 7, 2024


Doug Finke has been in the software industry for decades. 15x Microsoft MVP, O'Reilly book author, public speaker, and host of the popular livestreams on his channel. Covering lots of technology like PowerShell, AI, tech integration and more. He is the inaugural recipient of the Jeffrey Snover PowerShell Community Innovation Award and the creator and maintainer of several popular PowerShell modules including: - PowerShell ImportExcel - automates reading/writing for Excel. Create graphs, pivot tables, conational text, filters and more. - PSAIAgent - revolutionizes automation by integrating advanced AI directly into PowerShell, enhancing the intelligence and autonomy of your scripts and workflows. - PSDuckDB - integrates DuckDB into PowerShell. DuckDB is a fast in-process analytical database.

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